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Parking terms of use


1. Contracting Party
2. Booking
3. Payment
4. The Service
5. Premium
6. Customer Survey
7. Price
8. Changing a Booking
9. Delay
10. Right to Complaint
11. Remedies for Breach
12. Liability
13. Force Majeure
14. Personal Data
15. Right to Complain
16. Governing Law and Venue
17. Miscellaneous Provisions

1. Contracting Party

1.1. When parking is booked at an agreement is concluded between you and Isavia ohf. kt. 550210-0370 and these terms and conditions apply.

1.2. Once a booking is confirmed, Isavia will make a parking space available at the time and in the car park you have requested. The parking space in the car park booked will be unspecified.

1.3. Isavia can be contacted at telephone no. +354 425 6400 or at Isavia’s website is

2. Booking

2.1. Parking spaces can be booked at Only one parking space can be booked at a time and a booking must be for a continuous period. If you exit the car park and subsequently enter again, it will be considered a new parking period that will be charged in accordance with the applicable rates for the car park in question.

2.2. Parking spaces must be booked not later than 4 hours before the parking commences.

2.3. Parking spaces can only be booked online for up to 14 weeks at a time.

2.4. If the vehicle is registered for more than eight (8) passengers, weighs over 3,500 kg in total, and/or requires additional driving privileges to operate, you must contact KEF Parking before making a reservation.

2.5. Booking according to section 2.4. and 2.5. is contingent upon that a parking space is available over the desired period of time.

2.6. When a booking has been completed a confirmation is sent to your e-mail with a booking number and a receipt of payment. Isavia keeps a copy of the record, you can obtain it by contacting us.

2.7. The person making the reservation is responsible for ensuring that the correct vehicle number is entered into the booking. The correct vehicle number is a prerequisite for providing service.

2.8. If a vehicle is driven into a parking lot with a differen tvehicle number than the one registered at the time of booking, requiring a retroactive change, a service fee of 1,990 ISK will be charged.

3. Payment

3.1. Parking at Keflavik Airport is subject to a parking fee, the amount of which depends on the car park chosen and the number of days for which the parking space is booked.

3.2. The parking fee is paid immediately at the time of booking, see section 2.7.

3.3. Payment by Visa and Mastercardis accepted.

3.4. When paying by credit card, you are required to enter card number, expiry date and security code.

3.5. If the car is picked up before the period booked has expired, you will not be reimbursed for the period during which the parking space has not been used. This includes cancelled flights, delayed and/or rescheduled flights.

3.6. If, for some reason, you fail to pick up the car, a parking fee will be charged in accordance with the applicable rates for the car park in question until the car has been picked up. The fee will be charged when you exit the car park.

4. The Service

4.1. In order to access the car park, you must use the QR-code indicated in your order confirmation. The code is scanned in the entry and exit gates of the car park.

4.2. The period of parking is specified in your booking. If you enter the car park earlier than the booking specifies you will be charged from that point in time. If your exit the car park later than the booking specifies, you will be charged to that point in time. The applicable rates for the car park in question will be charged for the extra time.

4. The Service

4.1. In order to access the car park, you must use the QR-code indicated in your order confirmation. The code is scanned in the entry and exit gates of the car park.

4.2. The period of parking is specified in your booking. If you enter the car park earlier than the booking specifies you will be charged from that point in time. If your exit the car park later than the booking specifies, you will be charged to that point in time. The applicable rates for the car park in question will be charged for the extra time. An additional charge isk. 1,490 will be added in case of non payment within 48 hours.

5. Premium

5.1. If you book Premium, this section 5 also applies.

5.2. Upon arrival at Keflavik Airport you park at the short stay parking lot P1 and you drop of your car keys at a specially marked key compartment at the departure area of the terminal. Our employees will photograph your vehicle and park it at a designated area further from the terminal. Upon your return, you pick up your key at our parking reception presenting your booking confirmation. Your car will then be ready for you at short stay parking lot P2 on the arrival site of the terminal. You will receive further instructions in your booking confirmation.

If you fail to drop of your keys off at a specially market key compartment at the departure area of the terminal you will be charged he applicable rate for the car park in question, see here. The fee you paid for the Premium service will be subtracted from that fee.

5.3. If you arrive earlier than at the time of exit indicated in the booking, you must notify Isavia by telephone no later than 2 hours before the expected time of exit at +354 425 6400 so the car will be ready for pick-up. If Isavia has not been notified of the new time of exit, you may be required to wait when picking up the car.

5.4. If you arrive more than two hours before the time indicated in the booking, you must notify Isavia. You will be required to bay for the time added to the booking.

5.5. If the parking period is shortened for any reason, including flight cancellations, Isavia is not required to reimburse the whole parking fee or part of it paid for the period booked.

5.6. Isavia is liable for loss of or damage to the car keys while in Isavia’s possession and damage to the car during transportation by Isavia to/from the parking area where the car is parked. If damage occurs while the vehicle is parked in the parking area, please see the general liability provisions under section 14.

5.7. You are obliged to examine the state and condition of the car on its return. You must examine the state and condition of the car before you leave Keflavik Airport’s area. In case of any damage to the car due to Isavia’s handling of the car you must lodge a complaint with Isavia immediately.

6. Customer Survey

6.1We send our customers, service survey at the end of the transaction in order to assess their experience with the service.

7. Price

7.1. The price is indicated in Icelandic kroner (ISK) including VAT.

7.2. Isavia accepts no liability for printing errors, including errors in prices, price changes and updates.

8. Changing a Booking

8.1. Isavia allows you to change to your booking with regard to date and time of entry, date and time of exit, the product and the car park selected up to 4 hours before the time of booking agreed at

9. Delay

9.1. The time of entry and exit is indicated in the order confirmation sent to your e-mail address.

9.2. Isavia is to make the booked parking space available to you at least three hours before the agreed booking time.

10. Right of complaint

10.1. All complaints must be addressed to Isavia directly, see section 1.3.

10.2. Complaints about shortcomings in the service provided should be made as soon as you discover or should have discovered the shortcoming, but no later than 5 days from completion of the parking.

11. Remedies for breach

11.1. Isavia is to make parking available to you at Keflavik Airport at the time booked. The parking space in the requested car park is unspecified. It is pointed out that assignment of a parking space in a car park in a similar or more expensive price category will not be considered breach of contract.

11.2. If Isavia fails to assign another parking space, see section 8.1, you are entitled to claim remedies for breach of contract, including reimbursement of the parking fee.

11.3. Isavia reserves the right to have the vehicle removed at your own expense if you ignore regulations, signage, etc. or if parking is a nuisance to other persons, including, other parkers, car rental companies, etc.

12. Liability

12.1. The following liability provisions do not apply to the extent that mandatory rules of Icelandic law provide otherwise.

12.2. Isavia assumes no liability for any accidents, theft, personal injury, damage to cars, equipment or effects in the car, but see sectio 5.6 n

12.3. Isavia cannot be held liable for any indirect losses or consequential losses.

13. Force Majeure

13.1. If delivery of the service is delayed or rendered impossible due to unforeseen circumstances over which Isavia has no control, including but not limited to war, mobilization, acts of terrorism (including threats of terrorism), fire, strikes, boycotts, picketing or lockouts (including among the staff at Keflavik Airport), closure of the airport or of the airport’s baggage handling facilities and/or natural disasters, the time of delivery of the service is postponed by a corresponding number of calendar days.

13.2. In case of force majeure Isavia has no liability whatsoever.

14. Personal Data

14.1. Data provided by you is treated in accordance with the applicable statutory rules on data protection.

14.2. To book and pay for car parking you must provide your name, telephone number, e-mail address and the car registration. This information is necessary for Isavia to provide the required service and is processed according to contract.

14.3. You can interrupt the booking at any time if you do not wish to provide the information required.

14.4. The data received will only be used for the purpose of order and payment processing by Isavia, KMP Digitata, Autopay and Stefna ehf. and will not be disclosed to other parties, unless when required by law or to the vehicle’s owner/operator in case of non-payment.

14.5. When the payment transaction is completed, your payment details will be stored until the individual payment transactions have been cleared. Your payment and card details will be stored in accordance to PCI standards. Your credit card number will also be stored in accordance to the PCI standard, if you wish to store it with Isavia.

14.6. The purpose of data collection for the Premium service that is beyond the data collection mentioned in section 13.1 – 13.5 is only to determine and/or defend legal claims.

14.7. Isavia does not store personal data in such a manner that it will be possible to identify you for longer periods than necessary for the purposes in respect of which the data is lawfully processed.

14.8. You can request access to data collected about you by submitting this form here You are also entitled to have us delete the personal data we have collected. You are entitled to object to the registration of data and lodge a complaint with The Icelandic Data Protection Authority at

14.9. When you visit, , cookies about your visit to the website are collected.

14.10. Please direct any questions about the collection of personal data to Isavia.

15. Right to Complain

15.1. Please contact Isavia if you wish to lodge a complaint about a service purchased from Isavia at telephone +354 425 6400 or by e-mail at

15.2. If you are unable to reach agreement with Isavia, you may file a complaint with the Icelandic Consumer Agency at

15.3 You may also use the European Commission's complaints portal to lodge a complaint, at

16. Governing law and venue

16.1. Any agreements entered between you and Isavia by use of these conditions of sale and delivery are governed by Icelandic law, any dispute arising must be brought before the District Court of Reykjavik.

17. Miscellaneous Provisions

17.1. Isavia may at any time revise these conditions by updating this web page.