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Parking and transport

Take care of your parking needs before the journey begins. We recommend booking beforehand to receive the best possible price. If you don't have a reservation you pay with Autopay.

Book your parking

  • Vinsamlegast sláðu inn einhver leitarorð.
  • Vinsamlegast sláðu inn einhver leitarorð.
My booking

Standard parking

The best price available
Suitable for longer trips
Get a better price by booking early

Comfort parking

Parking spots by the airport
Suitable for shorter trips

Premium parking

Premium spots by the airport entrance
Keys dropped off in departure hall
Our employees secure a spot for storage
The car waits in arrival hall upon return

Pay for parking

Don't have a pre-booked parking space?

Registered Autopay customers can drive directly out.

First time customers can pay directly on Autopay's website.

Pay now

How does Autopay work?

Not sure about how to proceed?

Please follow these instructions on how to pay for parking with Autopay.

Read more


When booking, we accept both Visa and MasterCard. When paying, you need to enter the card number, card expiration date and the security code on the back of the card.

KEF Parking prices vary depending on length of stay and type of carpark booked. For example, the most convenient parking options cost a little more than those further away from the terminal.

KEF Parking costs are monitored to ensure that whatever type of trip and budget you’re booking for, you get the best price.

Enter your trip details into our booking tool to see the best prices on offer for your booking.

If you’re picking up or dropping off a passenger, the first 15 minutes are free. After that time, the first hour is ISK 500, and each hour after that costs ISK 750.

Comfort parking

Comfort parking is marked P1 and is positioned at the departure hall.

Comfort parking is suitable if you need to pick up or drop off a traveller. The first 15 minutes are free. After that time, the first hour is ISK 500, and each hour after that costs ISK 750. See rates for Comfort parking.
A map of our parking spaces can be found here.

Standard parking

Standard parking is marked P3. P3 is our least expensive zone and is suitable for those who are going on longer trips. See rates for Standard parking.
A map of our parking spaces can be found here.

Premium parking

Our Premium service offers the most convenience. You park your car in a specifically marked carpark, right next to the departure hall. The keys are placed in a key box, and when you return home, your car will then be waiting for you in the same parking spot where it was originally parked. 
A map of our parking spaces can be found here.

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